Selected by India’s Best Astrologer Astro Guru Deepak Jain, the Pitru Dosh Nivaran Yantra is a sacred tool used to address and mitigate the effects of Pitru Dosh. This yantra is believed to help appease ancestors and resolve karmic issues related to lineage and heritage. It is meticulously crafted to offer spiritual relief and balance in your life.
India’s largest spiritual shop for genuine ritual products:
Product selected by India’s top astrologer Astro Guru Deepak Jain.
Products purchased only on genuine platforms:
- Helps alleviate the effects of Pitru Dosh in your horoscope.
- Promotes harmony and balance in ancestral relations.
- Aids in resolving family-related karmic issues.
- Enhances spiritual well-being by honoring ancestral spirits.
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